Whilst email marketing has huge advantages for businesses if it is done incorrectly it can cause more harm than good if done incorrectly. In this article, we will highlight the basic and sometimes costly mistakes to avoid when marketing using email.
The first, and critical error is to think that your email marketing is there purely for you to bombard your subscribers with sales messages. Nothing could be further from the truth. Sending sales pitch after sales pitch will very quickly turn your subscribers interest in your business to resentment which is no way to turn them into customers.
The other thing that is likely to happen is people will start marking your emails as spam. A common misconception is spam only applies to an email if it has been sent without permission. Whilst your emails might be going out to people who have opted in, continuous sales pitches will soon annoy them enough to mark them as spam. If this happens, you’ll very quickly have your autoresponder service asking you some difficult questions and if they consider that you are abusing the service they will ban you from using it.